Voice Therapy
Linda Rammage offers individualized voice therapy to adults who are experiencing voice problems. Voice therapy is helpful for people who are experiencing voice problems related to physical changes, occupational voice use or muscle tension. Voice therapy is customized to address the limitations caused by voice problems and to improve vocal function. This service is provided through a private office located within the medical practice of ENT Vancouver. Referrals can be made by “Ear, Nose and Throat” (ENT) specialists, also called “Otolaryngologists”, and should include a recent report of the larynx/throat examination.
Payment: If you have an extended benefit package, you may be able to claim your payment for private practice speech therapy as a reimbursable expense. You should check your extended health benefits program or other third-party payment plan to determine your coverage for speech therapy service expenses.
* Initial Visit is 90 Minutes
* Followup Visit is 60 Minutes
* Additional Therapy Time is per ½ hour
* Special Document Preparation is per ½ hour
ENT Vancouver: #641 – 550 West Broadway,
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 0E9
Phone: 604-875-1012
Fax: 604-876-5322
Contact: linda@vocalizingwithease.com